Find out about my career, travelling adventures, and more.
Travel Blog, Cycling Europe, My Career, Philosophy, Acid Techno, Site Info |
How to keep information secure, when transmitted across insecure networks.
RSA, JavaScript MD5, Vigenere Cipher, Word Patterns |
A guide to computer and network security.
Introduction, Desktop, Data Theft, Infrastructure, Web Applications, Cloud data |
Information about programming, particularly using Python.
Python, Style Guide, TCP/IP, Languages, Unix |
How to build useful and compelling web applications.
Frameworks, Social Networking, Pipp, Guest Book, Lottery Check, Web 3D, Theory Test |
Hi, I'm Paul, and I often get called Paj. I live in Manchester, England, work as an IT security consultant, and recently travelled round the world.
I think the Internet is fantastic for sharing information. I learned huge amounts of what I know about computers by reading websites, and continue to use the web daily in my work. I'm keen not to be just a consumer, and this site is my contribution to the pool of knowledge. It mostly covers computer programming and security, and there's a little bit about me too.
If you're just passing through, read the security introduction as everyone who ever uses a computer needs to know this.