![]() | Old Content This page is now considerably out-of-date. ![]() Here is the source code to the guest book that used to be on my site. Unfortunately, it has now been removed due to spam. A few years back, it was a nice example of a CGI script that provides an HTML interface to a MySQL back-end. These days with frameworks like #!/usr/bin/python #-- # Paj's guest book # This python script provides an HTML interface to the MySQL back-end. # # CREATE TABLE guest_book # ( # id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, # time DATETIME, INDEX(time), # visible BOOL DEFAULT 1, # has_long BOOL DEFAULT 0, # ipaddress VARCHAR(255), # name VARCHAR(255), # email VARCHAR(255), # url VARCHAR(255), # asl VARCHAR(255), # message TEXT, # full TEXT # ); # GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON guest_book TO guest_book@localhost; #-- import string, cgi, os, sys, paj #-- # Configuration #-- per_page = 50 max_length = 500 detail_fields = ['full', 'name'] form_fields = ['asl', 'email', 'message', 'name', 'url'] display_fields = ['asl', 'has_long', 'id', 'message', 'name', 'url'] mysql_password = open('/other/home/paj/website/guestbook.password').read().strip() #-- # Initialisation #-- html = paj.Template('/var/www/www.pajhome.org.uk/htdocs/site/guest.html') db = paj.MySQL_connection('localhost', 'guest_book', mysql_password, 'paj') form = cgi.FieldStorage() #-- # Has data been posted? #-- if form.has_key('sign'): #-- # Build a hash of data ready to go into database #-- data = paj.parse_fields(form, form_fields) data['ipaddress'] = os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] if data['url'] != '' and string.lower(data['url'][0:7]) != 'http://': data['url'] = 'http://' + data['url'] data['has_long'] = len(data['message']) > max_length if data['has_long']: data['full'] = data['message'] data['message'] = data['message'][0:max_length] #-- # Check form is completed and not a duplicate #-- status = None if len(data['name']) and len(data['message']): query = "SELECT %s FROM guest_book ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1" last_entry = db.select(query, ['name', 'message'])[0] if data['message'] == last_entry['message'] \ and data['name'] == last_entry['name']: status = 'Duplicate posting blocked' else: status = 'You must enter both a name and a message' #-- # If no problems, go ahead and update #-- if status == None: query = "INSERT INTO guest_book SET time=NOW(),%s" db.update(query, data) status = 'Thank-you for signing the guest book' #-- # Send me a notification email (currently disabled) #-- data['time'] = paj.rfc822_date() #paj.sendmail(paj.Template('guest.email').get_block('', data)) #-- # Is this a detail request? #-- elif form.has_key('detail'): query = "SELECT %%s FROM guest_book WHERE id=%d AND visible=1" detail = db.select(query % int(form['detail'].value), detail_fields) print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" print html.get_block('detail', detail[0]) #-- # Drop out of program here; no need to load list of messages #-- sys.exit(0) #-- # This is just a view request #-- else: status = 'Please sign the guest book' #-- # Initialise page variables #-- page_vars = \ { 'status': status, 'messages': '', 'pagebar': '' } if form.has_key('page'): page = int(form['page'].value) else: page = 1 #-- # Load the messages from the database #-- query = "SELECT %s FROM guest_book WHERE visible=1 ORDER BY time DESC " \ + "LIMIT %d, %d" % ((page - 1) * per_page, per_page) messages = db.select(query, display_fields) #-- # Go through each message, building the output html #-- for message in messages: if message['has_long'] == '1': message['more_link'] = html.get_block('more_link', message) else: message['more_link'] = '' if message['url'] != '': entry = html.get_block('entry', message) else: entry = html.get_block('entry_nolink', message) page_vars['messages'] = page_vars['messages'] + entry #-- # Create the page bar html #-- query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM guest_book WHERE visible=1"; page_vars['count'] = db.select_one(query) for i in range(1, ((page_vars['count'] - 1) / per_page) + 2): if i == page: page_vars['pagebar'] = page_vars['pagebar'] + '<b>%d</b> ' % i else: page_vars['pagebar'] = page_vars['pagebar'] \ + '<a href="guest.py?page=%d">%d</a> ' % (i, i) #-- # Display the final page #-- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" print html.get_block('', page_vars) |