- Frameworks
- These are a useful technology to quickly build functional web applications. This section provides an introduction to web frameworks, and more detailed information on projects I have been involved in. more...
- Social Networking
- Since late 2007, the Facebook social networking site has become an important part of my life. It has made a great difference to how I interact with friends and keep in touch with people. more...
- Pipp
- This is a tool for building static websites; I use it to build this site. more...
- Guest Book
- Source code to the guest book script previously used on pajhome. more...
- Lottery Check
- JavaScript to let people visually select lottery numbers. more...
- Web 3D
- Information about Web 3D (previously called VRML) and some example objects. more...
- Theory Test
- A Perl script to mark practice driving theory tests. more...